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Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Help Your Child Overcome Depression

Depression is an elusive illness that affects the young today. There has been cases of children who thought killing themselves is the best solution to get out of depression.. Statistics have shown that four out of every 100 teenagers experience some sort of serious depression each year. Parents whose children are experiencing depression have a role to play in helping their children to get out of this mental illness. To help you your child overcome depression, make him or her feel loved and accepted.

One of the difficult things children must deal with are the lies that come into their minds masquerading as truth:I’m not loved,’I’m not accepted.’ I’m not appreciated’ I’m not attractive’, I’m not good enough, I’m too fat, “too thin’ ‘too tall”. “too short”, “too dumb,” ‘too smart”, “too everything” These lies escalate as children move into their teenage years and often are carried into adulthood..

You need to respond with love, kindness and support if your child is experiencing depression. The opposite of being loved and accepted is being rejected-something we’ve all experienced at one time or the other in our lives.Who among us has never felt embarrassment, humiliation, failure, fault, or someone disapproival over something we’ve done? Wether it be by a family member, a friend, or a complete stranger, rejection happens to all of us.

Some people can let such incident roll-off their backs, because they know, deep within,  that they are accepted.others,  however, may bear deep emotional wounds from incident after incident of rejection, so any perceived lack of acceptance can transform their personalities into something ugly.

That’s why rejection is at the root of so much of the evil we read about in the news papers every day. A rejected worker goes back to his former place of employment and shoots his boss and co-workers. A rejected husband beats or kills his wife.  A mother whio has been rejected by others abuses her child.  Rejection brings out the worst in people, love and acceptance bring out the best.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, I completely agree with you.

    Love and acceptance brings out the best in all of us :)


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